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Leonard Acre
The only Acre/Acree/Acrea family in Wayne Co., Kentucky seems to be the family of William Acree, the Revolutionary War veteran. Leonard Acre is probably the grandson of William. The surname of the family is spelled Acree, Acre and Acrea by various members. William apparently spelled his name Acree. Somewhere along the line some of the members used Acrea and Acre.
In his application for bounty land based on his service in the Revolutionary War, William Acree appeared in Wayne (Kentucky) County Court on the 27th of August 1832 and stated he was a resident of said county, age 80 years. He was born in Frederick Co. Maryland on 16 Aug 1752. He lived in Maryland until he was 12 or 13 years of age, at which time his father died. After his father’s death his mother moved her family to Guilford Co., North Carolina, where he resided when the Revolutionary War.
In 1777 or 1778, when he was about the age of 25 years, he entered the service in Guilford County. He served as a private in Capt. Doogan’s Company and then under Col. Martin’s North Carolina Troops. He later serviced in Capt. Henry Whitsel’s Company for three months in 1881 before leaving the service.
He resided in Guilford and Randolph Counties, North Carolina until about 1804, when he moved to Otter Creek, Wayne Co. KY where he lived his death on 3 March 1832.
William was married first to Phoebe (maiden name unknown) who was born on 15 May 1756 in North Carolina. After her death he married Edith Doss 22 Dec 1820 in Wayne Co. He was married to her when he died. Edith remarried John Jones of Wayne Co. in 1854 after William’s death. According to several researchers, Edith was the daughter of James Doss and his second wife, Ann Thurman.
William had the following children: John (b. 1776; William (b. 1780); Elizabeth (b. 1782); Ephriam (b. 1784) who married Mary Winn; Mary (b. 1789; Peter (b. 1794); Catherine (b. 1796) and Phoebe (b. 1799).
[Source: Pension Abstracts – William Acre: Wayne Co. KY, 27 Aug 1832, Pen #W25334 – Bounty Land @ 36998-160-55 – North Carolina and A roster of Revolutionary ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution: Commemoration of the United States of America bicentennial, July 4, 1976, Daughters of the American Revolution, Egan, Thomas Martin, Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind., 1976, application #511252.]
Several things point to the probability that Leonard is the grandson of William. Leonard was born in North Carolina about 1799. He married Sarah Ballard on 9 Jan 1824 in Wayne Co., Kentucky. His first son was named John which would make this consistent with the custom of the time of naming your first-born male for your father. Also, Leonard named a son Ephraim, presumably after Ephraim, the son of John. The only two sons of William that are old enough to be Leonard’s father are John and William. William’s family has been researched, and the researchers do not list a Leonard as a child. Also, William’s will written 9 Feb 1820 and probated May 1820 does not mention Leonard. Thus, the circumstantial evidence points to the fact that Leonard is the son of John and the grandson of William, the Revolutionary War veteran.
Ephraim Acre, son of Leonard and Father of Robert Hamilton Acre, and His Wife, Margaret Elizabeth Hamilton Acre
Ephraim Acre (pictured below), was born 22 Aug 1831, in Martin Co. Indiana and died 30 Jan 1901, also in Martin co. Indiana. He married Margaret Elizabeth Hamilton (pictured below) on 26 Jan 1854 in Orange Co. Indiana. Margaret was the daughter of William Hamilton and Sarah McCulley.
He enlistment on 14 August 1862 in the Union army, Company A, 17th Infantry Regiment Indiana, and served as a private. He mustered out on 22 June 1865.

Robert Hamilton and Mary Elizabeth (Tomlinson) Acre

Robert Hamilton Acre was the son of Ephraim and Margaret Elizabeth (Hamilton) Acre and grandson of Leonard Acre. He was a native of Martin Co., Indiana. Ephraim’s brother, Joseph, married Margaret’s sister, Caroline Cornelius Hamilton.
Robert and his brother John Thomas Acre went out to Oklahoma for the Cherokee Strip rush from Hennessey and lived with the Indians. He staked a homestead claim on a farm a mile north of Lahoma. John stayed in Oklahoma and lived near the Arapaho Indian reservation. A short time later, however, he returned to Indiana and engaged in business there. He also took an active part in political affairs for many years, having been selected twice to serve in the Indiana State legislature.
Robert returned in 1929 to live in the Oklahoma panhandle near Enid, Oklahoma with his daughter Ruby. He was engaged in real estate and oil and gas lease brokerage business. In this capacity he contacted and knew hundreds of farmers throughout northwest Oklahoma. Robert moved back to Indiana near current Fort Harrison where he lived prior to going to Oklahoma.
Ruby stayed in Oklahoma and eventually moved to Tyler, Smith Co. Texas, where she worked for her sister, Margaret Paulyne Acre who owned a dress shop. Neither Ruby nor Paulyne ever married.
Robert and Margaret’s other children were Gertrude (died young), Jesse Cecil (lived in Dallas, Texas at the time of his father’s death in 1947), Frederick Ephraim (apparently never married), Harry Miles (was married twice and had two daughters by his first marriage), Mabel Elizabeth (married Thomas Hindman and had one son), and Robert Ragel Acre (a doctor in Evansville, Indiana and Karen’s grandfather.) Robert Hamilton is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana, Section: 224, Lot: 445. Robert Hamilton Acre was a state representative from Marion County, Indiana.
Mr. Acre was a member of the Methodist church.
He is buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, Indiana, Section: 224, Lot: 445. Robert Hamilton Acre was a state representative from Marion County, Indiana.
Mary Elizabeth (Tomlinson) Acre was the daughter of Miles Shephard Tomlinson and the granddaughter of Henry Tomlinson and Juliann Adaline Shepard. Her mother’s maiden name was Hoskins. She was born in 1869 in Martin Co., Indiana and died in 1930 at Enid, Oklahoma. She died of complications appendicitis.
Obituary of Mary Elizabeth Tomlinson
Word was received in Indianapolis last night of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Acre, 63 years old, wife of Robert H. Acre, former Indianapolis residents, which occurred at 6:00 p.m. Monday, July 21, 1930 at Enid, OK. Death followed complications of an appendicitis operation which was undergone several days ago.
Mr. Acre, a former member of the Indiana legislature and long active in Republican politics, moved to Enid with Mrs. Acre some months ago, joining there a son, Harry M. Acre, who is an extensive Oklahoma oil field operator. Three daughters of Mrs. Acre, Misses Ruby and Pauline Acre who are connected with the offices of the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce and Mrs. T.M. Hindman, all residing at 4331 Guilford Ave. were summoned to Enid Sunday, but it was not believed that they reached the Mother’s bedside before her death.
Other relatives beside the son in Enid and the daughters include Dr. R. R. Acre of Evansville, Jesse E. and Fred E., all sons, the latter two of Enid and one sister, Mrs. John McGaughey of New Bethel. Before removing to Oklahoma, the Acre family resided at 3737 Guilford Ave. Mrs. Acre was a native of Shoals in Martin County, IN. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. It is believed the body will be brought to Indianapolis for burial.
Children of Robert Hamilton and Margaret Elizabeth (Tomlinson) Acre

Ancestors of Mary Elizabeth (Tomlinson) Acre